Friday, January 21, 2011

Flat irons for hair

A flat irons are among the top-rated styling tools now available in the market. In fact, courlies hair stylers are a much preferred choice among all levels of people, from celebrities and leading hair stylists to common people. Each of the flat irons launched.Its own uniqueness and is especially lauded for the cutting edge technologies used for its manufacture. Of the hair stylers introduced by hair desiner company.



The 21th century saw much technological advancement in many social spheres ranging from the discovery of the radio, the aeroplane, the atomic bomb and the apex was the going to the moon. All these technological advancements had adverse impacts on the life style of the communities around the world. However, most importantly, is the invention of the Internet and the intranet which historic achievement has greatly impacted on the academic life of many universities around the world. This is efect of education. Education is our wealth.        

Jobs carreer

Every day i go into the world to create and make my way, be it to a job or a business. I am enter each day with the attitude of accomplishment and achievement. However, for most i am during the day we meet some sort of obstacles or roadblock. It could be a customer i changes the scope of the project that you just completed the night before, the bank who needs just one more piece of information to complete the loan you needed yesterday or the guy who cut us off in traffic, caused us to run off the road and miss the most important business meeting of my career.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

VLC Media Player Download

What Is VLC Media Player?

VLC Player is a powerful Multi-Platform Media player that is capable of playing virtually any Audio & Video file format out there (DivX, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.264, DVD, TV, TV Cards, Ogg and many others). It features a light-weight and easy-to-use customizable design and it is completely free. For more information visit the about VLC Player page or go to the VLC Player Download page and download it for free.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beauty hair shop

Hair beauty salon is a great business idea since women are always shopping for the latest hairstyles. However, you have to follow the right procedure for your effort to bear fruit.If you are always fascinated by hair styling starting a hair shop is one of the best ways to display your capabilities to the public. You can approach this business as a service provider by opening a hair salon or by opening a hair product shop. With a hair salon, you have the opportunity to display all your creativity unlike the case of a product shop whereby you only deal with ready made products. With proper planning, it should not be hard to start operating your shop.


Financial Freedom

  A Financial Freedom its two words that sound great together but have such a deceptive meaning when actually put together.  In reality, the only time you get financial freedom for free is from found money; winning, inheriting, or finding it under a mattress.  Usually financial freedom comes from a two step process.  First you work hard.  Then if you get your money working hard enough, it gives you some freedom.  Freedom for what?  Or freedom from what is the real question, because there is a big difference between freedom from the obligations of your current lifestyle and striving for a better one.   A young person may tell you that its freedom for doing what you want like traveling or trying new things.  A person later on in the cycle of life may want "for" some of those same things, but also freedom from day to day financial obligations.  My personal belief is that you are truly free when there is very little consideration for how you are funding your day to day life, and that life is full of things that you enjoy.  Hence, the freedom from obligations and freedom for living life as you want.
Financial freedom has been the rally cry for every motivational speaker, multi-level marketing scheme, and even guys on late night TV promising you that financial freedom is only one book away.   We're also now starting to see large financial institutions take a dangerous step with investment portfolios, all in the sake of short term financial freedom for individuals nearing or already in retirement.  This is happening in the way of transferring a portfolio based on growth and income to a majority fixed income short-term portfolio with lower returns and asset depletion (aka spending the nest egg).  Asset depletion is extremely troubling in a world where the average individual is living longer in an economy that is bubbling with unreported inflation.  Yes, I am saying unreported inflation because I also try to ignore the facts to get a good night's "U.S. inflation" sleep on supposed 2.85% for 2007 and 4.1% so far for 2008.  The reality that these numbers are much higher is evident on any normal day.  Some of you may not know that the Reagan and Clinton administrations changed the way CPI (consumer price index) was calculated, thus giving us inflation numbers that are not relative to history or reality.  Dartmouth trained economist and advisor to many Fortune 500 companies, John Williams, places real inflation at somewhere around 9.5 % using the old calculation.  Does that sound about right when taking food and heat into consideration which the current CPI calculation does not? 
Fixed income plans from the last several years are all but null and void with this kind of inflation if you plan on living the average life span, and also plan on enjoying retirement or even maintaining your current lifestyle.  To help paint the picture, let's say you have a nest egg of $1 million dollars ( I realize I am directing this towards our investment community since the 2006 U.S. Census report puts average income in the U.S. below $50,000 a year, making the average egg a lot smaller).  If you had that million in one of the major fixed incomeportfolios like Lehman Brothers or Citigroup that together have averaged about 6.6% over the last 10 years, then you would be looking at about $66,000 per year.  Take a federal tax rate of 25% and a low state income tax rate of 3% and now you only have $47,520.  If you take the true rate of inflation at 9.5 % this leaves you with $43,480.  Does $3,623 a month sound like financial freedom before living expenses with gas over $4 a gallon, rising food costs, and the excessive costs of health care?  Keep in mind that, in addition, investing with some of the large fixed income funds comes with management fees; taking some of the free out of your financial freedom.  Also, don't expect the uncertain future of Social Security to help you out. Looking at Social Security from healthcare costs alone, in 2007 Fidelity estimated that on average 27% of a couple's social security benefits will go to health care and will continue to rise at about 7% annually.  In 16 to 18 years, healthcare is predicted to take up about 50% of social security benefits.  Remember, these are the guys that are selling you financial freedom on 6.6% average returns.  I wonder if they expect you to live longer than James Dean?
(Please note, the conservative approach was taken on the above calculations because one could argue with 9.5% inflation, not only is the income from the $1 million dollar nest egg being devalued, but also the principal $1 million)
With all of the flux in the global economy these returns will continue to be compromised and unpredictable, not to mention the impacts of currency fluctuations.  Fixed income strategies seem to be changing to try and deal with this, but I cringe at what these returns will look like by the end of 2008 since many of these strategies depend on the financial markets and are also affected by the Fed's slew of rate reductions.  In short, our current methods of assessing the income needed for financial freedom is not sufficient enough to sustain our current lifestyle, let alone create financial freedom well into retirement.  Remember, the easy answer would be to reduce the nest egg and that is usually part of the strategy, but so far there isn't anyone that can tell me how much I am going to need because they can't tell me how long I am going to live.  This is not even taking into consideration that many of us would like to leave our children more than what we came into this world with.

Home interior

This Home interior is a well known fact that everyone desires to dwell in a beautiful house. House should not only be good and beautiful from outside, but it should also be beautiful from inside. Many people make house beautiful from outside but keeps it ugly from inside. This should not be done. The house should also have an interior beauty that is it should also be decorated from inside. Many people think that interior decoration is just a waste of money but it is not so. Interior decoration is an art that transforms an ugly house into a beautiful house. For decorating the interior of your house you can take help of several professionals or some ideas which can help you in decorating the interior of your house.                                    URL: